Walker Morris Shortlisted for Community Engagement Award through Art
Walker Morris Shortlisted for Community Engagement Award
Law firm Walker Morris has been shortlisted for the prestigious Managing Partners Forum European Leadership - Community Engagement Award, in recognition of its 17 years' investment in art and creativity in primary school aged children.
Walker Morris was nominated for the Community Engagement Award for its £1.2 million, 17 year programme of investment in art and creativity in primary schools. Walker Morris integrated what was originally a regional painting competition with its other national art sponsorships and as a result, was able to create unique opportunities for schools, teachers and pupils
I have been fortunate to be a judge in partnership with Walker Morris for nearly 18 years on their Calendar Competition. Art requires no academic qualifications only imagination and freedom and thus all children of all abilities are able to enter the competition without embarrassment or fear ,it is has an inclusive ethos allowing art for all.
inspiration to the children is clear to see in their faces when with great
pride they see their painting in the calendar, a calendar which raises funds
for St Martin's House Hospice.Last year a number of schools were able to participate in workshops and masterclasses enabling me to work alongside enthusiastic children and teachers.To make such an impact on some one’s life is not something
that I or Walker Morris take for granted and our commitment to the competition
The Managing Partners Forum Awards take place on the 1st March 2012, I wish Walker Morris every success.
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